I am a Greek developer who loves playing, thinking about and most importantly creating games.
Currently living in Newcastle Upon Tyne and studying Computer Game Engineering (M.Sc.) at Newcastle University, while i am pursuing a career in the games industry.
I also have studied Computing (B.Sc.) in Thessaloniki, Greece at Metropolitan College & University of East London.
At the moment i am looking for an oportunity as a gameplay programmer or level designer in a Studio in the UK for a placement, which could potentially lead into a junior position.
In the above right corner you can find me on Linkedin and GitHub but also below every project there is a GitHub link where you can see each project's code.
Fast Prototype
A fast prototype of a game idea using any commercial engine in order to create quick gameplay ideas, but most importantly to familiarize ourselves with that engine.
The main goal of that was many objects either get attached to you on collision or start following you.
My approach is for the objest to start following me on collision and i succeed that using pathfinding.
The task was to create a golf game from scratch using the physics engine that was provided by the Newcastle University.
Some of the main features of the game are:
• Linear and Angular motion
• Spatial Acceleration Structures
• Raycasting
• Broad phase
• Constrains
• Sphere to AABB
• Sphere to OBB (moving walls)
• AI – State Machine (moving walls)
• AI – Pathfinding (robot)
• Collisions (doors to levels, walls, robot, winning areas)
The task was to create different graphic scenes from scratch using OpenGL and C++, using the NCLGL framework that was provided by the Newcastle University.
Some of the main features are:
Scene 1
•real-time lighting
•bump mapping for better light results on the heightmap
•shadow mapping •cube mapping
•skeletal animation
Scene 2
•Cube mapping
•Bump mapping
•Deferred Rendering
Scene 3
•Cube mapping
•Environmental mapping
•Post processing